Weird. Mark Lord just looked at my player and noted a few things:

1) The IDE head had already been repaired. This was a "new" board that David popped in when I had a bad audio chip. It was either refurbished or had a little preventitive work done to it.

2) Under examination, the pins looked just fine and the unit worked fine when booted up (not in car I assume).

Even though the player booted and worked okay, Mark touched up the connections anyway. I have some new cables coming from Eutronix, so when I get the board back, hopefully everything will work.

If it doesn't, then I may have some problem that is not related to the IDE header or the cables. (FWIW: The drives and cable are in a Mk2 now and are working fine with the exception of a new "slight pause" that happens after 12 seconds of each new track). Maybe I got lucky hooking up the drives and cable to the Mk2?
Brad B.