Hehe... Yes, calling $10/GB "expensive" does sound ridiculous, especially when I look at the WD Caviar 31600 sitting idle on my computer desk, and remember the $200+ I once paid for it. Now I've ordered a drive with 15 times more capacity for far less money, and it just happens to be a laptop drive. But back then I didn't have all this music that had to be in my car! :)

Of course, thinking back to my days of swapping 5.25" 360k disks to get between screens of The Colonel's Bequest makes the mere mention of the word "gigabyte" ridiculous. When I first heard the word at about age 11 or 12, I imagined a room full of hard drives in some big corporation, somehow linked together to equal an ENTIRE GIGABYTE. Now I'll be carring close to 50 GB around in my car stereo.

Progress is SWEET. :)

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff