I'm building a digital frame out of notebook parts, the screen is 12.5" Active TFT in good condition.. I am building the framing out of wood. Having a bit of difficulty trying to make a deep frame, I'm no wood worker
No mouse or keyboard will be attached or attachable since it will look like a genuine digital frame, I'm using non reflective glass, the frame is coloured black.
It's running Windows XP with autologon etc.. It is also wireless enabled.. Have UltraVNC installed if I need to make changes to installed programs, O/S settings etc.
I have got it so when XP boots up it doesn’t launch explorer, it will launch the slide show app full screen..

Now onto the real point of my post
What I'm looking for is some decent slide show software, obviously with the all the usual photo management features, such as albums, transition effects, sound capability, capability to play video files if they are in the album also etc...

What I really want the slideshow app to allow me to do is, to organise custom slideshows into albums, then when windows starts the program would auto launch with the first slideshow started. Ability to randomise which slideshow launches , ability to add new photos to the slideshow albums by drag n drop.

Can anyone recommend a particular type of slide show app that can do the above, or some other way?
Thought I'd ask here before I download a whole lot of trial editions to test

I have seen some software which allows you to build a slide show and create an executable for distribution. This isn't good enough as it needs to be manually added to the startup. Adding new photos requires rebuilding the exe file. When launched it unpacks the photos which takes time before it launches into a slideshow...
