I personally wouldn't care about video or sound - if I were making a digital picture frame then it would likely be purely for photos.

As such I'd stick a small linux distro on it with X, and autologin and run "xv -maxpect -wait 300 -wloop -root -rm 5 /path/to/photodir/*.jpg"

SImply adding or removing photos to that photodir would add or remove them from the display.

-maxpect Scale to maximum size whilst maintaining aspect ratio.
-wait 300 Load next image after 300 seconds.
-wloop Loop to beginning of image list when at end.
-root Display in X root display, not as window.
-rm 5 Center image, non-tiling.

Obviously, this doesn't help you much, but it might be useful for somebody wanting to do something similar.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.