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I reckon that learning how to read a map properly is a better idea anyway. You'll learn much quicker when you are challenged to think about it rather than just watching a pretty arrow on a gadget.

Yes I agree with this, and I'm not a complete nubbins at map reading, but when you've been biking through woods for 30mins and you pop out onto a road that travels left/right but there are very few other clues, it'd be nice to have something to fall back on. But I agree that overtime I'll get better at remembering where I've gone and be able to plot this more accurately. A compass will help a lot here, that's for sure.

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Of course, there is room for GPS in all of this - many GPS receivers have a "UK Ord Svy" datum that will give you your instantaneous location in the format that you can look up directly on the map.

I think that this is the best option, having looked at the products - once I'm placed on the map, I'm happy, but sometimes it's not so easy, especially if you think you've gone a different route to the one that you have.

I always keep a map with me anyway, so having a gadget with a map isn't essential, just a nice to have.

Anyway, thanks for the input, I think that it's pretty much put me on the right track.


Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357