Oh, you've got to make them separate. We could have funky circular effects then!

I thought about doing something like this a couple of years back, but never got time to get past the dreaming about it stage. Those tiny leds weren't available then either,

yea I thought so... I'll wire them so they can be individually addressed, but treat them as one for now.

A few years ago I considered making a color based 4x4 keypad for a security app, but at that time RGB LEDs were only sold in 5mm T1 3/4 packages and I was unwilling to shell out the money for tooling to make lite piped push button keys.

from my perspective the expensive part of this project (the crystal buttons) is already done.

NOTE: I'm writing code for this in another window as I type this. first step is to test with a bicolor LED as I have them in stock.
The only difference between science fiction and reality is about 60 years.
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