Thanks...I'll check that out for sure...

I agree though, I think Emplode could be smart enough to upload tracks in order based in ID3 track number or sorted by name...but I will also add that this should be optional. Because if I have a song that belongs to a particular album and its track number 3, but I want it also in another playlist as track number 234 out of 569, then I don't want to have to set the track number or change the name just so it will sort properly.

But I guess what I just said doesn't make sense. If I have 10 tunes I'm dragging and dropping, that group of ten tunes should be sorted amongst themselves based on either name or track number (i prefer the track number) and then placed at the of whatever playlist they are being dropped into. Then if I want to move them around inside the playlist the way we can do be it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here...but I'd also like to see a way with emptool to upload a particular tune and explicitly assign a position number at that time...

Anyway, thanks again..I'll check out this link on exploiter...
