Ok, read your thing about selection order. What a royal pain. Those MS programmers are DEFINITELY on crack!

Well, here's something to add to the pot. I typically don't select tunes. I typically have a huge tree of tunes in two levels deep of folders...(artist/album/tunes). I usually group select several artists folders (each of which have one or more albums, each of which have 10 or so tunes inside). And then I drag and drop the whole lot. Emplode turns the folders into playlists with the tunes and all intact......except....not in the right order..

It was working perfectly fine for a while. Don't ask me why all of sudden its not..unless it has to do with Win98 vs. NT. But I think a DEFINITE improvement to 1.1 would be to improve the dropping characteristics so that the files are added to emplode in SOME kind of logical and predictable order, most likely based first on track number, but if track number doesn't exist, then based on file name. That's better than unpredictable. And if Win98 cannot ensure that they will be added in the same order as they appear in explorer, then emplode should not be counting on that.

Its a major pain for me to go through hundreds of albums and upload them one at a time, and for each, manually create a playlist and then make sure to copy all the tunes by selecting them and dragging them in the right way. 500 albums...no thanks. I'd much rather just drag and drop the whole lot in one large operation....

Thanks again for this tip about the selection order...

It was definitely working for a while though. I don't know what's different about NT. Maybe I'll just mount my Win98 machine from my NT machine and run emplode on NT....it'll be way slow though...since the files will have to make two network trips....