Well I got it working at home. Used the clue about the "timing"
to read up on how the switch did things. Seems cisco has a
timing value for port forwarding. If you set this to off (even as a
micro speed) it works properly. However I've yet to solve it
on cabletron. no "port fast" setting I can find. I suspect the
Receiver just plain does not wait that extra 'millisecond' long enough to get the DHCP replies.

This does work on my EMPEGs with either setting.

Also the log file does NOT list when it detects a new receiver
that it cannot connect to (ie: saw the odd class c and couldn't
route there). Adding this might be usefull.

Thanks to all, even for the sarcasm.


P.S. On second thought, nah, keep your sarcasm!
When I shoot MY super-computer, the bullets really DO bounce off. What about yours?