
Hey, it's great to hear it's doing the business for you. Now that I'm back at the grindstone (and relatively uninjured!) I'm about to start planning 0.1.3. And so your post was well timed.

I reckon we can go quite some way towards satisfying your wish list - playlist support will definately be a priority.

On the sync'd playback control from "slave players" point, I disallowed this because I was worried that it might lead to domestic unrest (Pa in the lounge suffering emotional stress as his early evening classical respite is hi-jacked by his teen-age son's chosen form of self expression).

But it really is a pain to have to wonder into the other room to change what's playing. Maybe what's required is the ability to make a player "private" (no one can listen in), "master" (others can listen in but not control) or "open" (others can listen and control).
Paul (the tRio guy)