I am using ARM, but time isn't really the issue. I'm not enqueing that many songs at a time. It's more from a user interface perspective.

I'll go to a artist, hit enter, choose some songs hitting enter. I'll repeat this a couple times. Then I'll think, "what else do I want to add...I guess I have enough songs already - Ok now I want to play." I hit Play - but it doesn't play. It re-enqueues the selected song.

Maybe I'm just too used to the OEM software, maybe I'm just too indecisive when faced with my music collection, maybe I need to do what Jerz suggested and go all the way out using the menu and then hit play, but right now it just seems like I should be able to set up my queue and play it.

It also reduces the wife acceptance factor. Having two buttons that do the same thing at some levels, but different things at other levels, and then even something else during a 2 second window, doesn't really impress her with simplicity.

I'm still messing with jrec. I've got it streaming to my PC, just not the RIO. Perhaps I'll be happier when jukebox mode is running.

ARM, tRIO, W2k