Yes, I can see where you're coming from here. But I think there has to be a trade-off either way.

The way I designed it is that:

- ENTER expands the current selection

- PLAY queues the current selection

- PLAY on the same selection within 2 seconds (like a double click) starts playback and returns you to the playback screen.

And because tunes can't be expanded, I thought that ENTER may as well queue them too (hence PLAY = ENTER on a tune).

The benefit of this is that you can queue all the albums for an artist by simply pressing PLAY on the artist in the "Select by Artist" screen.

If I understand you correctly, you'd prefer to have:

- ENTER expands the current selection from the "Select by Artist" etc. screens

- ENTER queues the current selection from the "Tunes by Artist" etc. screens

- PLAY starts playback and returns you to the playback screen.

This looses the ability to queue an entire artist with the PLAY key, but maybe that's not too much of a loss.

I can see that is can get confusing though. Does anyone else have a view?

Paul (the tRio guy)