Have you explained why on this BBS before? It hadn't occurred to me to ask before but since you mentioned it...

I'm mentioned it ages ago, but ended up repeating myself time and again at Amersfoort this year, so here goes.

I registered on the forum after the fire sale to simply post an 'I want to buy an empeg thread'. Obviously I needed to have a handle, one of the things that annoys me most about the internet is having dozens of usernames to remember for various sites. So in a moment of haste I simply entered my IT logon name for work (which I might add is useless unless you have my password, domain and physical access to the network). The name consists of marri (the first 5 letters of my surname Marriott) a (my first initial) and 01 (for I am the first).

After previous experience of BBS's I didn't think I'd hang around for long, but this forum really seems to be unique. There are many users on here that I'm happy to think of as friends, even though many of them I've never met.

Andy M