In theory you're supposed to just be able to select any playlist on one central, select "Copy", open the parent playlist on the other central, and hit "Paste". I thought that Mike put that functionality into Jemplode and it was working more or less.

Alternatively, you can just download all the songs onto your PC's hard drive, then put them on the other central directly. It would probably be even faster that way. There's even a procedure to dupe playlists structures after you've done that. But one step at a time...

Or you can put both drives in the same Central (one drive goes in place of the IDE CD-ROM temporarily), and copy the FIDS directories over. That's the fastest. I just don't know all the shell commands to do it, but I'm sure someone here can help with that. Note that you need a USB keyboard to access the shell.

Haven't we discussed this before?
Tony Fabris