Almost every direct book->movie adaptation is horrible.

Hopefully the one not included in the "almost" is Lord of the Rings. Oh wait, I didn't read the books, so maybe I shouldn't talk. Still an amazing film(s). Oh, and on the flipside, I'll say X-Men (1, haven't seen 2) was decent as compared to the comics (that I used to read 10 years ago).

Now "The Manchurian Candidate", I saw the trailer for that when seeing "Day After Tomorrow" (good premise, by the way, but campy execution). Isn't "The Manchurian Candidate" a book? And what IS going on in that movie? Unlike most other trailers, that one didn't give me the entire plot of the film. So for Denzel's entire life, he's had the exact same dream about "big corporations funding bad science" and it finally comes true. But the bad guys are modifying people so they all look like the presidential candidate? I can't quite see the devious logic in having a bunch of presidential look-alike clones. They can't have more than one out in public at the same time. So what, will one releive the first so that he may go on vacation or something?

Seems like "The Manchurian Candidate" might be a conspiracy film undermined by a plot that's just too weird to grasp.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set