Okay, online with Mike...

Tested: Putting a quote (ascii 34) in an empty comment field and then synching makes the file disappear from the central. But the FID still exists on the hard disk and looks just fine. It's merely missing from the database.

Mike's current working theory is that something about the protocol or the database build wants there to be a closing quote if there's an opening quote in the field. Not sure yet.

At this point, I don't care about the parsing thing where Jemplode thought that the track number was part of the comment field. Mike is pretty sure that was an old bug in Jemplode that's been fixed. And in fact I couldn't reproduce it even though I tried.

But simply putting a quote in the comment field causing the file to disappear, well, that's pretty scary. Hopefully we can find out exactly where the error is happening and have Jemplode implement some kind of a work-around.
Tony Fabris