Added confirmation popup before submitting to lrcDB

I didn't see this happen when I did my lyric submission with this new version?

Although everything seemed to work fine, even when I submitted a correction. The title bar said it was a duplicate and then flashed that it was submitted it as a correction. So that'a cool. But was it also supposed to prompt me then?

Anyway, another thing I've noticed is that when I play the whole song from the beginning (in lyric-scrolling mode, not in edit mode), it starts off OK but then slowly gets desynchronized from the actual song playback. So that by the time you get to the third verse, the lyrics are getting higlighted 1-2 seconds too late.

It's been doing that from day one, but I never reported it because the important thing, the actual tagging of the lyrics, is correct. The lyrics are timed perfectly when I'm tagging them, and when I'm playing them back in emphatic on the empeg car player. It's only on playback in the SYLT plugin that they slowly creep off time.
Tony Fabris