Yep thats' what it says, I'm running 2.00-beta 13 and I can't upgrade until my serial cable comes in today. When I hit down once it goes to playlist, I hit down again and it says no playlists, and that's it.

EDIT: I think the reason the songs are not showing up is because last night I went delete happy and erased EVERYTHING on the riocar, everything except the basics like Artist, Album, etc... all that is still there, but under playlist it no longer says Main Playlist and Recent Songs or whatever it said, so I remade those playlists, and if I put a song on the riocar, I have to manually drag it onto the Main Playlist thing and it'll show up and play only if I hit down down down. When I do the update later today when I get the cable will all that be replaced so it'll work like normal again? Or can I put them back manually without having to manually put every song into it?

EDIT: It seemed to put the songs that were able to get transfered into the Main Playlist area, but the only way I can see a track is by going to the main playlist instead of having it show up like before. It's still saying that the connection was forcably closed, that's using the crossover cable directly into the pc using network broadcast, I can't get it to work with the IP, and I looked into the "About" on the player and it gave an IP and I tried that and it was still forcably closed after a song or two.

Edited by CFinch106 (24/07/2004 14:56)