I think that this is untrue. According to the
MP3 frame header "spec" on id3.org, MP3 frames seem to have the following fields in their headers:
- Sync
- mpeg-1/mpeg-2
- Layer (mp2/mp3)
- Checksum existence flag
- Bitrate
- Frequency
- Padding byte existence flag
- Private bit (?)
- Stereo/Mono Mode
- Mode extension (?)
- Copyright bit
- Original media bit
- Emphasis
- Optional checksum
None of these fields seems to be for volume change. Looking at the mp3gain source, it looks like it slaps the gain info in the Xing/Lame Info header/tag.
That being said, is the car player responding to mp3gain changes? How about the replaygain-suggested RGAD ID3v2 frame, if it were set?