With certain very fast and wordy lyrics, the vertical scrolling mode doesn't quite keep up well. At least I think it's not quite behaving the way you want it to behave and it's possible it could do a bit better.

Example: Do the mode "Title Behind" and play Weird Al's "Your Horoscope For Today" using the lyric I just submitted to the database. I just now re-did it with the SYLT plugin so that I could get the milliseconds in there (boy that song really needs those milliseconds).

On the middle bridge ("Now you may find it inconceivable or at the very least a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars..."), note how in a couple of places, each line of words creeps unusully slowly up the screen, even though the next line is fast approaching. This makes the screen have to jump when the line arrives, and you can't quite see the line properly, at least not if you're trying to sing along.

I'd rather have it speed up the scrolling to try to keep up, rather than slowing down and jumping.

Yes, I realize this song is a torture test...
Tony Fabris