Just thought I'd post a picture of my recording studio in case any of you wanted to go into the business professionally and were looking for pointers on studio setup.

I came into possession of a few audiobooks on cassette (260+ hours of them!) and needed to turn them into MP3 files so I could put them into my empeg.

The tape deck is the original radio out of the ShoWagon, with wires soldered to the L/R channel outputs and terminated with a 1/8" min-plug jacked into my sound card. Power comes from the 12 volt motorcycle battery I use when I have the empeg on my bicycle. The battery charger is only plugged in between cassettes when battery voltage falls below 11.5 volts (two much 60-cycle hum otherwise) and the multi-meter keeps track of voltage for me.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rush or Rolling Stones or some other big group decided to produce their next album using my facilities.


228181-Fuji0003.JPG (80 downloads)

Edited by tanstaafl. (03/08/2004 01:35)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"