One of the things Lamar Smith was vocal about was getting people politically invovled. So I just dropped him a note about DRM and the RIAA. (I actually rode in the elevator with him to/from the luncheon, but it probably wasn't the appropriate time for such a discussion). Yeah, so my email is probably already lost in the abyss, but at least I've spoken out!

Anyway, one interesting thing he said was that the prosecuting of P2P offenders should be limited to those making profit off of other people's intellectual property or those grossly abusing by downloading thousands of songs a day. His said (I'm just about quoting here) that the college student who downloads 2 or 3 songs a day should not be targeted. I'm not sure the RIAA would agree with him there . . .
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.