Yes, all of you are right ( me toooooo ), it just seems that you have a different priority ( or more fear from the evil lawyers ).
I do not know where this derives from, maybe just because nobody nailed us so far gives us a"optimistic" view on all this ...
Maybe i will speak like you ( or the empeg people ) if they once play the real games with us, i don't know.
Of Course i see your ( and empegs ) point, it is mine 30% but the remaining 70% want an uncrippled product.
Of course you can sy:
"I can live with restriction XXX, i use a workaround"
I am also able to press 7 buttons instead of just enjoying the visuals, but seeing the tendency and seeing the SUM of annoyance, if empeg people always obey on what other people tell them, it will get more and more dirty little things, and it is the SUM that makes the usability.
SO: If they asked THEIR lawyers ( and if they are good lawyers, which sadly only other good lawyers can judge, not us naive technicians ) and they did not find a way to dodge things, then:
OKAY, it has to be the way it is.
But if they do not even dare to question the possibilities and to find workarounds, then we really end up with the 60 digit boot-up-pin code, because there ARE companies not wanting to let the empeg ( or Rio or Lyra or ... ) succeed, and then the real bad things are yet to come, because nothings easier then putting threads on a company ( threads, just threads to make them chicken ).
That is a game we were foced to play, but they all lost, and they never tried it again ( Well, until now :-) )