What version of player software is this?

If it is not v2final or v2.01final, then reinstall one of those two. Actually, just *do it* anyway. This will fix any corrupted binaries that might be the problem here. The log messages indicate that /bin/sh is failing, due to lack of memory or corruption (bad bits) in the file itself. I think the latter is extremely unlikely though, so it's almost certainly lack of memory.

This is a Mk2 unit, with only 12MB, NOT ENOUGH for any of the v3alpha releases to run reliably on. So.. (re)install v2final or v2.01final on it.

If *that* then fails, it's time for the disk builder software to blow everything away. But I think that should never be necessary, and in the past has nearly always proven a waste of time.


Hi Mark,
the player is running 2.00 (I downloaded it from the empeg.com site and reinstalled it 2 days ago), but it's been running on 2.00 for some months now.

I will reinstall it once again.
I guess a memory upgrade would really be worth getting at this point..