I just upgraded one of my machines from Windows NT4 to Windows 2000. I like the OS (although a few of its new features are irritating and I had to figure out how to turn them off), but it has one strange quirk, and I want to know if anyone knows why this is happening and how to fix it...

The volume levels (as set in the taskbar volume control applet) are WAY louder than they were under NT4.

For instance, under NT 4, most of the volume sliders would be at about the 75% position to get the appropriate volume out of my headphones. The master volume would be at about 50% (or higher if I wanted to crank it).

Under Windows 2000, those settings would blow my speakers/headphones. Now I have to have most of the sliders at 30% or so, and the master volume is comfortable at about 15%, and overdriving at anything over 30 or 40%.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris