Well, I was trying the free version of BeOS right after they released it, and at the time, I was told by the Be support people that:

1) Be's Samba client was deliberately left out of the free version.

2) No, I couldn't get the non-free version of the Samba client to run on the free version. And even if I could, they wouldn't just send it to me anyway.

3) Yes, there was a third-party Samba client in development but it wasn't done yet.

Since the BeOS stuff was just an experiment for me, that was (as far as I was concerned) the end of the experiment since I wasn't really interested in buying the full BeOS just for the experiment.

It's obvious that things have changed since that initial free release, but I'm now past that period where I had a desire to experiment with Be.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris