...but I would be surprised if either of them have ever opened the case of a computer.

Your point being?

The vast majority of electronic appliance users (and I include computer users in this group) have never opened the case of a computer or any other electronic device. This program is geared towards end users who are not the sort of people who get all excited about whether the inverse capacitance bias modulation rectifiers are compatible with the dual-boot partition of their workstation, nor is it geared towards the people who would spend $1500--$2500 for a Linux computer that can play music in their car.

...don't bother looking it up in the TV listings.

You may be right in terms of the limited cross-section of the populace who will see your post on this bbs. But rest assured that the viewership of that program among the general public is orders of magnitude greater than the readers of this bbs.

There is definitely room in the world for user-oriented discussions as well as the more technically-oriented types that you (and possibly most of our bbs users) would prefer. It seems a bit harsh to globally condemn a television show that does provide a useful service to a segment of the population that completely dwarfs us techno-loving geeks.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"