I sat down yesterday to really watch some of the olympics, and found that this year it was MUCH better than any olympic coverage I'd ever seen. Why? Because my ReplayTV had spent about 20 hours of the last two days reccording from various chanels anything with "equestrian" in the description. I then proceded to fast forward at 20x normal speed untill I saw an event that interested me, watch it, and start fast forwarding again. Two or three hours later I'd seen everything, without comercials. Sure the commentators could have been much better, but at least they had one previous olympian who knew what he was talking about.

Frankly, I couldn't watch the olympics any other way after yesterday's experience. Of course, NBC/Bravo/CNBC could break the guide information up by sport so I didn't have to reccord six hours for one hour of programming, but seeing as they conveinently hold the olympics in the middle of August, I'm only missing reruns of Buffy and Family Guy.
