A 4.7k resistor costs about 2p (less than 1cent) and is available at any moderately well equipped electronics shop. Two pieces of 24 gauge wire (of the type he supplies, which I am actually soldering into a tuner kit as I type) likewise cost about 2p per length. It is typical installation wire, available at any car supplies, or electronics shop. Most places will cut off a bit of wire for you if you ask nicely, otherwise it will cost you about two pounds (about $3 at the most) to buy a small reel.
Aside from the fact that it was not in the kit (which I find unusual given the care that Patrick puts into assembling these kits, as I can attest to having helped him do it), it will cost him a lot of effort, time, and money to send these out to you. The postage and packing alone will be worth about 10 - 20 times more than the materials themselves. It will take a while for them to arrive, and then you will have to post them on to Stu. To me, it sounds eminently more practical, and sensible, to simply buy this stuff locally. Stu is a competent engineer and knows what to get, how come you haven't just told him to buy the bits and get on with the build? If I had received an incomplete kit here to build, I would have simply gone out and bought the bits myself and got on with the job without even thinking about telling the owner! (unless it was the tuner module or a PCB that was missing).
Instead of holding out waiting for Patrick and moaning about it publically, why don't you just get on with it? You have been told here several times that Patrick is trustworthy, and that he is up to his neck in work (not just pleasure), but you still haven't realised that a couple of bits of wire and a resistor are likely to be pretty low down on his list of priorities.....