Nah, I'm not talking funny about you, I'm simply a consumer who is (was) in the dark as to what's happening with my tuner kit. I never suggested that you're a con artist or that you were ripping me off. I read these boards, I know who you are, I know what you've done for the community, etc. In fact, knowing this, and seeing that you hadn't posted lately or replied to my or Stuart's emails is what raised concern and led to my post. And I don't me concern that you pulled a fast one, but concern that you either weren't receiving messages or hadn't made it home from the european meet.

The only technical knowledge of these tuner pieces are what I've heard from Stuart. I didn't know the cost of the parts - even after asking. I understand that building a really neat boat is more exciting than shipping a couple cents worth of parts, but an email stating "a couple cents worth of parts have been mailed" would've deflated this situation before it began.

And don't worry about anyone ever talking funny about you on these boards. Rob's clearly got your back.