Sure. Set up a cron-job that uses recursive wget and snapshots your entire website every night. Push it as plain HTML to /archive/yyyymmdd/

I would be concerned about bloat, but I may do something like this. I could probably make it conditional for different branches -- only archive it is a page changed, then use whatever perl script to update a "previous versions" index page.

Now I have *another* question (I never run out!). Is there a tool out there that will analyze PHP code for vulnerabilities like SQL injection? Does the analyzer in Zend do this? My concern is that I am pulling in various PHP applets in from various projects/authors and have inherited some others and haven't the skill to check these in a timely fashion myself. I've Googled a bit, but maybe I am not using the right terms.

Also, I have to say that after installing about 8-9 CMS in the past week, the one that looks most promising to my casual view is PostNuke I don't know that their fork from PHP-Nuke has fixed all of the aforementioned security problems, but I can hope!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.