Unfortunately I think all of the docks and shells have probably been sold by now. There has been an overflow of replies from the email list for the cherry docks, and way more than five expressions of interest in the shells.
And the really neat thing is: that's it. No more dock parts. Nadda.
Well, except for one complete set of woody parts for use as a pattern should I ever want to make something similar for myself (we do have two cherry docks of our own here). Or perhaps to make another run from scratch in a year or so -- that would be much harder than this batch, where I still had enough of the tricky bits left from the previous huge batches, and the only way I'd do it again would be if more than 30 of them could be sold.
Meanwhile, the five shells are now in clamps, and have passed inspection by K2 (photo attached). If these turn out, then the cherry ones are next for the glue and clamps.
231804-shells.jpg (300 downloads)