from sveasoft:
All new packages developed by Sveasoft will be under the Sveasoft
license (which is the Apache license plus the additional restriction
that it cannot be re-licensed under the GPL). The new Sveasoft license
is compatible with the
Open Source Definition found at .

Sveasoft will continue to release all source code for GPL packages as
required by the GPL.

Sveasoft will also continue to publicly release all source code for
stable public releases.

This change recognises that a Linux distribution (which is
what the Sveasoft firmware distribution is) is an aggregation of a
kernel plus multiple executables running under that kernel. Those
executables can be licensed in many different ways (e.g. GPL, BSD,
Apache, Perl Artistic).

The Sveasoft license allows both commercial and non-commerical use of the Sveasoft public distribution and those aggregated parts created by Sveasoft under either a closed or open source development process.

wow, i must say, redefining itself as a distro is really clever. got me to thinking that its justified (though still unfair). seems like the redhat model with it's subscription packs. anyway, i have alchemy v5.3 if anyone needs it. who would've thunk that i need to pirate a distro.