The last update was on the 15th... It was an entertaining read, where's the rest?

Anyway, for now I seem to have remedied my comms problems by updating to the latest firmare and then making adjustments to the XP TCP settings using DrTCP. Hopefully I'll have even faster perfomanec than I previously had, as I didn't make these edits when my ISP first bumped my connection speeds earlier this year.
Now I seem to have good download and upload throughput as well as decent ping times (and not timing out on DNS requests, etc.) Next step is to get my PowerBook back from the shop (2 weeks is all it took to find having a oprtable indespensible). Then to do some wireless range testing around the house (to compare against what I had with the old B router).
Tony, the Max MTU size is 1492 btw (8 byte overhead for a packet I believe puts it to 1500 essentially).