Okay, one other thing I'd like to rule out. In that thread is another post by Hugo with a downloadable e0000 ROM file. Apparently this was required at the time to enable the then-unused memory banks. I assumed this fix was rolled into or superseded by newer versions of Hijack, but then noticed that Hugo planned to put the fix into future releases (ie 2.01?).

I've downloaded and attempted to install it via FTP. My FTP-fu is admittedly weak and I can't tell whether the file was updated or not. The file date (before and after) remained the same, although the command executed successfully. Here's what transpired:

Connected to
220 Connected.
User (
230 Login okay.
ftp> cd proc
250 "/proc" directory changed
ftp> dir *e000*
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
brw------- 1 0 0 60, 7 Sep 14 05:56 flash_0e000
total 0
226 Okay.
ftp: 78 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 78000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quote site rw
200 Okay.
ftp> put c:\205177-e000.rom flash_0e000
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
226 Okay.
ftp: 1692 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 1692000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quote site ro
200 Okay.

After rebooting and looking at the boot log the memory write at 0c0000 still failed. I'm really not convinced that the file was overwritten though. I wish I could install the 2.01 developer image to rule this out. Which one of the blue guys should I ask about that?
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