Well, I just noticed that .8 was just released and added a Global Inbox.

Ahhh, that's much better. Everything in one place.

So, that takes care of one major bug I had with it.

There was another problem I had that I forgot to mention, actually, and that was that spellchecking seemed to be broken. It was odd. I'd spellcheck a document, and it wouldn't catch a single thing, no matter how much I tried to spell badly It may have needed reinstalling, because it works now.

Sadly, the spam filters still do not work. It's behaving just like before. I still say they should incorporate Spambayes into the program. I'd ask the Spambayes people themselves but they don't really have contact info and I don't want to joing their mailing list.

So, the last remaining issues for me are the spam filter and the annoying placement of the search bar. I think that after that I'm set! Let's just hope this all gets cleared up by the time 1.0 comes out.

Oh, and if anyone is upgrading and combining email boxes into the global inbox, I'd take a look at this before going through with it. You'll basically get the same warnings before you activate the settings, but it's nice to know in advance.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (15/09/2004 04:17)