I now have SBL+XBL on the mail server and get a couple of spam messages a day so I don't really need run anything client side any more.
I just installed SBL+XBL on my mail server this weekend, and I'm still getting a large amount of spam. In a typical day, I'll see about 40 pieces of spam, so I'd expect to have seen about 80 over the weekend.
SBL+XBL has only rejected 25 pieces of spam. Now, granted, that's something like a 30% reduction, which is good, but I was expecting better.
I've added DSPAM to the mix, but it's not finished training yet -- I need to feed more ham to it before it'll start filtering.
Now, ordinarily, I wouldn't bother -- I'm getting good results on the client, by using SpamBayes in Outlook XP, but because I'm using IMAP, and Outlook doesn't issue IMAP Expunge commands automatically, I end up with a bunch of crossed-out entries in my Inbox, which I have to expunge manually. It's only one more button-click, but it's a PITA.