This is something that pisses me off about the whole insurance thing -- here we are, piddling into the pot, on the off chance that we *might* need to dip into the fund at some point in the future (but statistically not likely, given we all know that the system is gamed by the insurance folks to ensure they make a profit). but when people actually need that service that they've been paying for, do they want to play fair? Noooooo... they scream and claw and fight from paying any money. Gah. I hate insurance.

Here's a story that will really make you hate insurance:

An uncle of mine was driving on a highway going the speed limit through a small Illinois town- when unfortunately a child ran out in front of him on a bike. My uncle couldn't do anything to avoid him and hit the child and killed him. The cops came- the boy's friend who witnessed the accident colloborated the story and my uncle was exonerated of blame for the accident. Soon after my uncle reported the accident to his insurance because part of his car was damaged in the accident. The insurance company took the report, got an estimate and told him they would authorize the claim to repair the car soon. A few days later they called back and told him the claim amount was being billed to the father of the boy that died in the accident.
Talk about a sick thing to do- your kid dies and now you have to pay for damage his body caused to someone's car. Needless to say my uncle cancelled the claim and paid to have the car repaired himself.