ok, well, i was determined to get alpha9 working correctly, so i devised this workaround to get playlists. i basically uploaded the player binary as player-a9 on an a7 install. then, with the help of hijack and busybox, i've set up the following in config.ini
;@MENUEXEC UseV3a9 busybox killall -2 player && /empeg/bin/player-a9
;@MENUEXEC UseV3a7 busybox killall -2 player && /empeg/bin/player
so basically, load up with v3a7 by default, queue up your playlists, and goto v3a9. if you need to change playlists, go back to v3a7 for a bit. There was discussion before of setting up hijack to do this natively or even do some /dev trickery switching hda5 (the player partition) and hdc5 (never used) on boot up like ;@AC and HOME mode.