I'm using Alpha7, since I don't like the way Alpha 8 sounds when I adjust the EQ.

I started to have some problems with playlists. When loading Emplode or Jemplode, sometimes I get errors saying some fids have 0 refs, and will be put in the root dir. Surprisingly, at that precise time they actually don't appear any more in their original playlists, so emplode and jemplode seem to be right. I am not 100% sure, but - and here's my question n. 1 - would it be possible that the problem occurs exactly when emplode or jemplode connect to the player? I am saying this because I don't notice any song missing during normal usage, but I may very well have not happened to enter a playlist and find it empty during normal usage.

After the prolem occurs, I have to move the fids back to their place and resync. Now, after few times this has happened (rarely, I have to say), I realized that, even after the sync, some playlist or song is still "missing". The tune is there, since I can find it with a search, but it does not appear in any playlist. Strange thing is, it does not even appear among the 0 refs tunes in the "all tracks" view. So, here's my second question:

Is it possible that the ref count is corrupted? If so, how can I fix it?

Thank you in advance!
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg