I had a discussion wife [.....] After some discussion my conclusion was that while it might be making the political statement I thought I wanted to make, that perhaps that was not after all the statement I wanted to make.
I applaud your neurotic, sincere, anxiety.
(Just kidding!!) But seriously, I really appreciate your dilemma -- what statement do you want to make/ how do you want to communicate?
I have traditionally been pretty bumper-sticker averse, but then I said "WTF? I live in a blue state" and slapped my "Bush/Orwell" bumper sticker on just to give a few folks a good laugh (it is remarkable. I have watched some people stare at it for 2-3 minutes before deciding what it might mean...) and, depending on how things go in November, maybe I will just leave it or replace it with "Don't Blame Me! I Voted for Kodos!"
I'm already "that kook with the robotic lawnmower"

etc, a conscious attempt to alienate neighbors isn't really interesting or useful. I already don't know enough of my neighbors, and I think it's more interesting to find out what they believe, and why, than to just write them off and have them do the same of me. Out of that discussion came the wild idea (also not acted on) of walking around, knocking on doors, and just asking people how they intend to vote and why. Why ask? I'm curious.
More applause.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.