For anyone looking to get the USB 2.0 drivers running... I have a few tips:

1) Before starting the guide, you need to mount the drives rw. Copied from part of the 4.0 guide:
mount -o remount,rw /

2) Once you launch the "vi" editor, you need to get out of "Command Mode" and into "Insert Mode". You do this by pressing i.

3) When you are done editing your file, go back to Command Mode by pressing Esc.

4) To save the file and quite, press : then type wq then Enter.

5) To see if your changes took, just relaunch vi with that file: vi /test.conf.

6) Exit again, this time with out saving by pressing : then q and then Enter.

7) Finally, put the drives back into ro mode:
mount -o remount,ro /

I hope this helps... Once I get my PC back together , I think I'll shoot that guy an email. here is a good beginner's guide for vi.
Brad B.