http://www.mabula.net/mixes/ - all created by our very own BBS member PaulWay
Not quite what you were looking for, but it may open your ears to something new. The track listings reveal the artists names, if you can keep a good count.
I'll sit down and work out the intro and outro times on all the songs some day - sooner if people want it (hint: ask me).
I don't claim to have a compete cross-section of 'techno' there - I'm still gradually accreting breakbeat, drum and bass, and industrial. But I do think that you may find it easiest to just download some or all of mixes and pick what you like. It's not like it costs you anything (unless you have a slow connection... ) so you can discard those you don't like and be none the worse off . 
It might not serve as a good definition of 'Techno', but you can have a look at most of my collection at Discogs. I say 'most' because I'm still waiting for a lot of the Australian CDs I've got to be moderated. I've got 9 pending and about 25 in draft mode waiting for pending slots to become available, and about another 10 or 20 that I still haven't drafted up. I can heartily reccommend Discogs to anyone interested in virtually anything Electronic (or Hip Hop), as much for the Insta-Sharable-Web-Discography above as its precision and detail.
And, of course, I always like to hear what people think of my mixes (hint hint!).
Have fun,
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550