On the surface, it'd seem like you're promoting marijuana legalization, but that doesn't seem to jibe with your apparently conservative moral stance.

I suppose given the opportunity I'd vote against legalizing it. I guess I don't have a problem with it for medical use, although I assume it's a rare case where it's the only/best alternative. If it were an issue here and I could be provided with a strong medical argument that it is the only/best alternative in some cases, I might vote to legalize it for medical use.

Or are you implying that Doug and I are potheads?

Nothing of the sort. Actually, I should have noted that the reply was meant only for Doug, who actually lives in Alaska where it's an issue.

Or that we'd be particularly interested in legalizing pot?

Not particularly, but Doug seems to be somewhat libertarian (small l intended), so I figured he'd have a strong opinion one way or the other. I suppose I was more interested to get his thoughts on the issue than anything else.
~ John