I agree!

For some strange reason m Tivo records The Hoobs on C4 (UK) every morning. It's a kids show not unlike the Teletubbies. I don't watch kids TV, never have on this Tivo, it has 3 thumbs down etc... but it still records it, a feature where I could tell Tivo to never ever record this program would be great.

I have a S1 box being in the UK, so I'm not sure if this has been fixed in the next software or not, but another annoying thing about season passes is that if you have2 season passes boked for show that run back to back sometimes on the same channel, but you have set it to record an extra 5 mins after the show, it doesn't record the second show because it sees it as an overlap. This would be cool if the TV complany keeps the same timetable, but it would even cooler if Tivo was Smart enough to work out the 2 shows are on the same channel.

