Basically, both people should have to submit feedback before either can see it.

What an excellent idea!

The only downside I can see is that eBay gives both the buyer and the seller the opportunity to respond to negative feedback - to explain whatever misunderstanding might have caused it. This would need to be accommodated somehow.

My primary reason for not advocating keeping the auction open as long as bids are coming in is one of logistics, both from the seller's and the buyer's point of view. As a buyer, I need to know when the auction ends -- maybe I'm looking at another auction as a fallback in case this one doesn't go my way. As a seller, I want my money at a reasonable and defined time.

I really don't feel that people are abusing eBay and taking advantage of loopholes. I see something I want, I bid on it. If I get it that's great. If not, oh well... Life goes on.

I like eBay!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"