They were talking about this last night on the TV. One pundit said (paraphrased) that while it is common for TV presenters to have the receiver strapped between the shoulder blades, no-one in their right mind would position it there if it had to be discreet. Much more likely that they would have placed it under one of his arm pits.

ALso, I think the Kerry team response was amusing - something like "Well, they didn't do a very good job" rather than "Yea, that explains why his performance was surprisingly good - not a patch on our Kerry, though".

Blair, Bush, Kerry and others must be kicking themselves that they can't get the West Wing script writers to work for them - they have had some wonderful scripts in season 4 - I particularly like this one, but you need to hear Sheen actulally deliver the lines to really appreciate it. What was the name of that film where the story is of a scriptwriter or director who ends up being the campaign manager?

Edited by mdavey (12/10/2004 17:56)