However many of the Rigerian squirrels are also under Tazawarian control and are acting as double agents. One sure sign of this is when a squirrel, or president, is under this control they experience enhanced speaking abilities far above the average Rigerian squirrel, or preseidient. As you know an average Rigerian speaks better than Mohammed Ali, before the Quatillians destroyed his brain, but I digress, These double agent squirrels are slowly infiltrating the Rigerian bases and when the attack signal is given they will neutralize the earth’s protective covering (as you know space is really white but the covering only lets in small pinholes of light that we call stars) and then the Tazawarian’s will attack!
Let’s just hope that the Rigerian’s will infiltrate the Tazawarian cat agents in time to uncover this plot. Unfortunately many Rigerian squirrels have tragically lost their lives to these savage Tazawarian cat agents. It has been reported that these Tazawarian cat agents have been torturing the squirrel agents by batting them around before finally killing and actually devouring the Rigerian.
May the brilliant, one and only true god (Ozzy Osbourne) please help us!