Since this is a web development position i would probably add something like the following:

What are some best practices for JSP/Servlet development?

When would you make a JSP versus a Servlet?

What app servers have you had experience working with?

When would you put data in the context vs the session vs the request vs the page? What are some pro's and con's of each?

Is there anything you would choose to never put in a JSP? (basically hunting to make sure they're not going to write huge blocks of code inside of a JSP)

Have you ever used taglibs? What did you use them for?

Do you have any complaints with JSP/Servlets? (same deal as the previous one)

When is it appropriate to use EJB's in a project? What factors would affect your decision to use them or not? Are there any cases when you feel like you should always use them or never user them?