I'd rather have a guy who doesn't know much who is bright and works his butt off than someone who really knows Java but works their day and goes home.
I completely agree with you and Mark. I had a few other questions already prepared with the intension of discovering willingness to learn, development philosophy, and personality. Also, these are intended as quick, first round interviews so I'm mostly trying to weed out the truly incompetent.
That's why I like the question about what kind of programming they do at home -- I feel like anyone who really loves to program doesn't just program at work.
Yeah, thats a good one (and one I intend to use in future interviews). It also gives the candidate a chance to talk about any open source/good of the community type stuff which earns them bonus points as far as I'm concerned.
These interviews are a little weird for me because I'm trying to hire somebody with nearly as much experience as I have who will ultimately report to me. I'm used to interviewing junior developers as well as more senior people for managerial positions, but mid-level developers are pretty new to me. Thanks for the ideas.
Oh, and if someone in the bay area happens to know any java developers who might fit the bill please let me know. I haven't found many qualified candidates so far. They'd get to work with an empeg owner and another former empeg owner (blasphemy I know). 